One nice thing

I woke up in a funk today. I felt groggy and bloated and, like some sort of masochist, I decided to step on the scale to see if my five days without drinking made any difference beyond my smug self-satisfaction. It had not. In fact, and infuriatingly, I have somehow gained another pound. I complained to Chris and he told me that the only thing that keeps him consistent is an hour of exercise everyday. I wanted to end him.

Luckily, I am of the age and level of self-awareness that when these feelings arise, I can take a step back and ask why they’re there in the first place. In doing so, I’m able to remember that many of my self-loathing thoughts came from external places (and people) and are therefore FALSE.

So, I did what felt right in that moment, which is the key to sanity these days.

I decided to make myself a proper breakfast, which doesn’t typically happen on a Monday.

I toasted a slice of bread. I sliced an avocado. I crisped up a fat slice of bacon.

I assembled a handsome avocado toast and drizzled it with olive oil before adding salt, pepper and pickled onions.

I enjoyed every bite without guilt because this is what feels right, now.

It is the one nice thing I have done for myself today and it’s still morning, so I’d say that’s a pretty good start.

Jenny Jin